Thu 02 Jan
100%REAL Women Massage Comfortable Relaxing Discrete Available Special - 24
(Oklahoma City, Serious callers only please!!)
Amy is a Terrific Tan Busty BAbE ♥ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LLÐ ◆ @w§oML¥ G¡FD ◆ - 27
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA AREA)
AmY B@cK!!!100% ®eal PI©§ ★ ®ead¥ †o Pleas€~ßust¥ ß®unette ★ †€mP†iNg -n- †@s†¥ - 28
(Midland / Odessa, Midland area loop 250)
(El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, Appointments in San Antonio Tx I-10/1604)
IM Back ««« No Rush »»» B2B RUB AND MORE ... Tall Bu$t¥ Blonde Ready For You... Magical Hand$ - 31
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa Bus 20 outcalls Avail.)
SwEeT----JuiCy----NeW To THe ArEa---PlaYmaTe!! In Calls OnlY - 43
(Inland Empire, Rancho, Ontario, Fontana)
START Ur Morning Off W/Me :) ** Sexy , Mature **80 In Calls **
(San Gabriel Valley, Pasadena,Arcadia,Monrovia)
To Good To Be True Tuesday! Call For SPECIALS!!! San Gabriel (425)633-7939 - 31
(San Gabriel Valley, San Gabriel)
SEXXY---- **UPSCALE-----PLAYFULL** Well Reviewed** IN Calls Only - 43
(San Gabriel Valley, Arcadia, Monrovia, Pasadena(My Place))
💜💚💛💜☪✨💠Sensual Massage💆🏻 By Latina Gigi Elania💋🌹💠✨☪💜💛💚💜 💯%RealPics Call/Text 405 468 7937 - 30
(Oklahoma City)
♥T_I_N_Y__ _♥A_S_I_A_N_ __ ♥R_U_B_ _OR_ __ ♥D_E_L_U_X_E_ _ ♥G_E_I_S_H_A_ __ ♥P_E_R_F_O_R_M_A_N_C_E - 26
(San Gabriel Valley, ASIAN FOX private incalL 818-806-8928)
Relaxology By Marie. Accepting Established, And Select New, Mature Clients At This Time. - 50
(San Gabriel Valley, East San Gabriel Valley)
* Massage by Amber * Mature, Sexy, Blonde * Incall * Friday * - 55
(West Covina, W. Covina 10 fwy and Barranca)
fun and frisky~~ sexy blonde bombshell w/ a heavenly touch - 27
(Oklahoma City, okc and surrounding areas)
💋💋Isis 💗 Beautiful Blonde💗 Nice Curves💗True Goddess~ Sensual Rubs💋💋 - 28
(Oklahoma City, MacArthur/Airport)
______________ ___________ Classy and Real Sexy Therapist _________ ___________ ______________ - 30
(San Gabriel Valley, outcall only)
All Natural ~~~ CLASSY & SWEET ~~~ INTIMATE & SENSUAL ~~~ Spanish Asian EXOTIC Mix - 25
(San Gabriel Valley, Covina, Glendora, Arcadia, Alhambra, etc)
💋💋Going Going ~ Isis 💗 Beautiful Blonde💗 Nice Curves💗Sensual Rubs💋💋 - 29
(I-40/ Meridian, Oklahoma City)
Sexy Blonde, VERY Low profile, CLASSY, erotica, SENSUAL massage in my PRIVATE Home Available!!! - 41
(Northern Virginia, Springfield / Franconia Rd)